Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I started walking Beasley on Christmas Eve and she seemed to be adjusting except when we passed kids riding on their bikes, the garbage truck, etc. so I would then just turn around and bring her home. 

Suddenly, she did not want to go outside anymore when she had been doing so well.  I had to start walking her out on the leash again.  So I started thinking that maybe the walks were more traumatizing than I thought and sure enough, as soon as I quit walking her, she started running out the door again with the other dogs.

I still have to stand out there and make sure she potties and she has learned to just step right off the deck, potty and come back. Especially when it’s raining.  Smart girl.  Now if she would just learn to hold it.  She still uses the rug sometimes, which isn’t even a rug any more. It’s two towels with potty pads underneath them.

Still… baby steps

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