Saturday, November 26, 2011


This pretty little orange and white cat was heartbreaking to take in this morning.  She was scared but she didn’t hiss or growl.  She was shaking.  I felt so bad for her but whenever I lifted the towel off the trap, she seemed to become more distressed so I kept it covered. 

Another young female cat in heat.  I just can’t fathom the huge addition to the unwanted pet population if the four cats I have trapped and spayed so far, were still able to have babies.  It’s a hard reality to know this happens so frequently in so many neighborhoods.

She looked at me a few times on the way home and I talked to her but covered her back up and she went to sleep.  I thought about naming her Creamsicle because she has the perfect coloring and they are so sweet.  But I think I’ll name her Pumpkin. I don’t have any Pumpkin pie but if I did, I’d share it.

They have all been getting turkey.  My neighbors are all taking their leftover scraps and putting them outside.  GONE!!! I cooked turkey and veggies for the dogs but I think I’ll put some out after the neighbors have finished. 

I let Midnight (the confirmed mommy) loose this afternoon. Her first stop was her old house (sad) and then she found her two babies.  I hate to take them away from her but I have to if I can catch them.

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