Sunday, September 1, 2013


When I take Mac in for his K-Laser treatment, the technician and I both have to wear protective glasses.  Even though Mac doesn’t look directly at the laser since it is on his back and hind legs, they decided that he should wear glasses too.

He was very good-natured about it but after a while and since the treatment lasts almost 20 minutes, I decided to take them off and just cover his eyes if he happened to turn around.

A few weeks ago, he had a really tough time of it and his back right leg looked so twisted while he tried to walk, I questioned whether anything was working.  There was one day he didn’t even want to walk, which has never happened before.  But he’s been doing great lately and the Adequan substitutes I’ve been using seem to be working just as well as the Adequan.

The other day, he tried to chase a dog and yesterday, a jogger.  He hasn’t done that for a while. Usually, it’s just the UPS or garbage trucks.  But the UPS guy gives him doggie cookies so he has a reason to chase it. 

Happy Labor Weekend – I hope none of you have to labor.

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