Monday, July 29, 2013


I received an email today from an online company that I buy dog food from asking for military care packages for the K-9 units. I’m ashamed to say, I never really thought about this before.

So I thought I would forward it in case anyone wants to donate a few items.  I googled a few other companies and found this one. The items requested make sense… for instance, no scented shampoo.

I’m sure any thing would help. It’s probably even tax deductible.    

Very recently, had the opportunity to work with HB's for Care Packages, a not-for-profit organization that sends care packages to hero dogs serving in the military.  These hardworking dogs at war are called Military Working Dogs, also knows as MWDs.  Military War Dogs are trained to detect explosives, making them extremely valuable to soldiers in Afghanistan.  German Shepherds and Belgian Malinois breeds are particularly adept at sniffing out bombs, so they're used to patrol secure installations and search both entry and check points.  US Military War Dogs have a 98% accuracy rate when it comes to detecting bombs, and they have helped save the lives of many of our soldiers.  Dogs also serve another very important purpose.  Some military dogs are therapy dogs, who serve by doing what our dogs do best at home - providing tons of love and slobbery kisses to soldiers that are feeling down.  And we all know that there's no better pick-me-up than a wet lick from a dog!

There are currently about 600 military dogs serving in Afghanistan and Iraq!  Pictured below are two working dogs, Sonja (first picture) and Edo (2nd picture) that received care packages from  We want to send them and other dogs even more gifts, but we need your help!  Listed below are items that HB's for Care Packages has asked us to send, please pick items from this list.  You can pick as little or as much as you want, and place your order to be sent to the following address:

HB's For Care Package
10424 Stone Park Rd
Richwoords, MO, 63071

Please >>> CLICK HERE TO SHOP <<< or click any of the links below to link directly to products! 

You can use coupon code HBCARE5 for $5 off any $35 order, or code HBCARE10 for $10 off any $65 order (and free shipping too).

Please >>> CLICK HERE TO SHOP <<< or click any of the links below to link directly to products! 

You can use coupon code HBCARE5 for $5 off any $35 order, or code HBCARE10 for $10 off any $65 order (and free shipping too).

On behalf of all of us at PetFlow, and the Military Dogs working abroad, we thank you for your contributions!

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