Sunday, June 3, 2012


That Melinda is a smart little bugger.  She saw me pull out the towels and fill all the water jugs with warm water and she was gone.  Under the bed. 

The more I read about steroids, the less I want to use them. They can have severe long-term side effects like lowering the white blood cell count making it easier for bacterial infections, an increased chance of pancreatitis and possible permanent organ damage. Since I may have to give them a shot later in the summer while I’m on vacation, I would really like to figure this out.  And I doubt my pet sitter will want to bathe them multiple times a day.

But I will call the vet again tomorrow since the Claritin and Benedryl don't seem to be working as well as I want them to. I read an article today about spraying them with Apple Cider Vinegar. Crossing fingers…..

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