When I wrote about the “Cat Stats”, I was asked if dogs went into heat and could have the same amount of litters per year as cats. So I decided to write about the Dog Reproduction cycle.
Dogs usually don’t go into heat as early as cats but they can start as early as 6 months. The average time is more like a year but some dogs don’t reach mating maturity until 18 months old. And also unlike cats, they usually don’t go into heat as often but some dogs can go into heat 4 times a year, hence having 4 possible litters a year. The difference though is that dogs can sometimes have up to 15 puppies per litter so in six years, one female dog and her offspring can be the source of 67,000 puppies.
Unlike cats, dogs do not have a dormant cycle and can get pregnant any time of the year. They have 2 heat cycles. The first phase, pro-estrus, lasts about nine days. In this phase, female dogs will attract male dogs and may show bleeding, but usually won’t allow male dogs to mate. The second phase, estrus, also lasts about nine days. During estrus, a female will allow a male dog to mate with her and can easily become pregnant. And if a dog mates with multiple partners, she can have a litter with each puppy having a different daddy. If you’ve ever wondered why litters can look so different.
The average pregnancy time lasts about 2 months, or from 58 to 68 days. And unlike cats, dogs are unlikely to become pregnant while they are nursing. But they can go into heat and become pregnant as early as three months after giving birth. So as soon as the puppies are weaned, make sure the mommy is spayed.
And just like cats, female dogs do not go through menopause and can have puppies until they are old, although fertility does decline as they age. And of course, like cats, litter mates can also produce litters. Also like cats, they can be spayed while pregnant, but it’s a little more difficult on the dog. All the more reason to make sure they are fixed before they go into heat.
At the Shelters, they usually start the spay/neuter program at 8 weeks for dogs so they can adopt them out. But if you have your pooch at home and there are no unaltered dogs, it’s safe to wait until 4 months. And of course, make sure your pup is healthy before having the surgery.
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