Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I made a few cathouses for the strays out of boxes so they would have a little shelter from the harsh weather we’ve been having.  I just taped all the sides shut so there is a 5” x 5” opening and put towels inside. 

I was pretty excited when I went out to feed them yesterday and noticed a cat in the box by the food.  I got a little closer and darned if it wasn’t my cat, Georgie. Silly! She usually comes in every evening and I can’t get her out of the box now.  I tried yesterday and today even taking the towel out with her.  She went right back in.  So I put a clean warm towel in and left her there.

 I guess she just watches all the strays eat while she’s in her little box. She’s usually such a wimp, I’m surprised she doesn’t run and hide. She’ll even watch squirrels eat her food while the other cats chase them.

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