Wednesday, November 26, 2014



Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving filled with lots of love, extra hugs and a full belly!

Sunday, November 16, 2014


It’s kind of funny how people react so differently to me sleeping on the floor.  Everything from “Mac has an awesome mom”; “I’m impressed”; “it's so cute, but tinged with sadness, and full of love”; and “you’re crazy”.

I’ve learned a lot about love this year.  When you really, truly love, there are a lot of sacrifices you’re willing to make but they don’t seem like sacrifices because of how pure the love is. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014


The first night was a little rough but I’m going to buy two more large dog beds today and that should help.  

I pulled out a little lamp so I could read, but kind of hard to watch TV since it’s up on the wall, but I’ll make it work. 

Mac can’t get up the stairs anymore.  At least not for the last few days.  I can tell he wants to try but I’m not going to risk it and have him hurt himself.  Jazz, Stinky & Melinda snuggled right up as did some of the cats. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014


My beautiful little Arthur joined his brothers and sisters at the Rainbow Bridge on Monday morning. 

He didn’t eat dinner Sunday evening so I thought it was him that got into the cat box.  I was blaming Stinky.  Monday morning, he was fine, went potty, was talking up a storm as I was getting breakfast ready and everything was normal.  In fact, I was teasing him saying “you must be really hungry, you naughty boy”.  He ate breakfast, took his treats and went and laid on the floor.

About a half hour later, I smelled poop.  So I went downstairs and he had lost control and his breathing was heavy so I rushed him to the vet.  He walked to the car but was a little wobbly. By the time we got to the vet, I had to carry him in.  I put him on the floor and he was like cooked spaghetti.  Dr. B ran in, yelled something to his assistant and I picked Arthur up to put him on the table.  He died in my arms before I laid him down.

His belly was swollen and full of blood so we think he had a splenic tumor that ruptured.  There were just no signs, which is unusual. 

He was about 14, maybe even a little older, and I know he had a really good life after such a terrible puppy-hood.  And I am grateful I didn’t have to play God and make a decision but that doesn’t make losing him easier.

I remember when I caught him.  It took me 4 months and a lot of meat.  I finally gained his trust and got him to follow me into the fence and shut the gate.  He freaked out but after about 2 hours of chaos with the other dogs, everyone adjusted. That was over 11 years ago.

He is with his sibling, Shorty, now.  I rescued them together and they were two peas in a pod.  I walked them together, fed them side-by-side, they snuggled and always had a strong bond.  Arthur took it pretty hard when Shorty crossed over and wouldn’t leave Shorty’s bed for 2 weeks.  Not even at night to sleep with the rest of us.

Il dolce sogna il mio bambino piccolo. Mi manchi e ti amo!