Wednesday, May 30, 2012


It’s that time of year again…. Allergies! Stinky, Melinda & Georgie all have them. Georgie has what’s called Miliary Dermatitis. It’s usually caused by a poor diet, mites, mange or flea bites.  But in her case, it’s something outside she’s either touching or breathing.  My guess, touching.  She rolls around in the grass, hides under trees, just acting like a cat.

It is characterized by scab-like bumps around her head, neck and back with some hair loss. Her skin feels really dry.  Luckily, she’s not itching a lot.  So before I result to steroids, I’m going to try to keep her in the house more, give her the liquid benedryl (this is going to be fun) and wipe her down daily with a wet rag and olive or fish oil. This will help with the dryness of her coat and skin.  My vet said I could also give liquid antibiotics for a few days in case any of the crusty scabs have bled.